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Welcome to our November edition of this brief supplementary newsletter, exclusively for our women squash and racketball players.



We’ve been on a break from this newsletter over the Summer off-season period, but we’re back!


New Joiners


A warm welcome to Ruth, Emma, Farnaz and Kate, who have joined in the past few weeks.


A couple are new to squash and will be enthusiastically giving it a go.  A couple have played a bit before, but not for a while.


Wednesday Evening Women’s Squash


With Grace Gear’s rise to the cusp of the World Top 50, she is increasingly making the draws for some of the top events around the world and it is now financially viable for her to focus on being a full time professional player.


We loved having Grace take the Wednesday evening session, but we are so pleased to have been able to persuade Katie Winterstein to take over from Grace.


Katie is a Herts county player and a very experienced coach.  Welcome Katie!


Now that the Summer hiatus is over, Wednesday sessions have resumed and are going down a storm.  There is a WhatsApp group in place - if you’re not already on it, message Katie on 07779 639259.


Grace is of course still regularly at the club, training with Adam’s pro group and playing for our 1st team unless she’s away at an event. Onwards and upwards Grace!


Women’s Squash Team


Last season we fielded a women’s squash team for the first time in 10 years - thank you everyone who played and helped!  In particular, thank you to Lily for running the team!


Notwithstanding that it is now harder for Lily to travel to our club, she has taken the helm again this season and the team is in business once more.


Please continue to support Lily so that we can keep the momentum going.  Team squash makes for an enjoyable evening and it really helps bring your game on.


New Starters Group


If you have any friends who may like to have a go at squash or racketball, why not bring them down to the club? We are always happy for people to have a couple of free go’s, to see if they like it, and we can provide rackets, balls and non-black soled trainers if required.


To make it easier for beginners to find their feet at the club, we have opened a men’s and women’s ‘Squash/Racketball Starts’ WhatsApp group.  Message John on 07775 542712 if you’re not in that group and would like to be.


Signing off for now.


Squash & Squash57 Committee

(John Shaw, Mark Shattock, Adam Fuller, Gill Trimmer, Lily Main, Rob Harbron)

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