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Read our latest squash & squash57 update here....

The club newsletter has now superseded our section’s newsletter, but we’ll still write just to you guys from time to time.  We know you’d like that!

We start back next week!  OK it’s a bit limited for month 1, but the next step on 17th May will come around quickly.

England Squash still haven’t issued their confirmed guidance for next week. By all accounts, because the Government's position on these progression steps every 5 weeks is “we can’t tell you until the last minute because we don’t get the final status data until week 4”, it’s going to be 11th hour stuff right through to step 4 on 21st June.

However, the high level overview from Sport England is that the sequence of the progression steps for sport is: 

  • 1a, March - outdoor for U18s
  • 1b, March - outdoor for all
  • 2, April - indoor for U18s
  • 3, May - indoor for all
  • 4, June - back to ’normal’

We’re nearly there now and all the indications are that the dates will hold.

Until we get to something approaching normality for indoor sport, all squash and squash57 members continue to be welcome to play tennis free of charge.  And we’re installing a gazebo and outdoor bar in readiness for next week - more news on that any day.

So, even if solo practice isn’t for you, or you can’t convince your other half or your family to try a game of squash or squash57 (bigger, bouncier ball - easier for anyone to have a bash straight away), why not pay the club a visit anyway!

If you are planning to play next week, don’t forget that all the usual precautions still apply.  Arrive ready changed (other than your squash trainers); with a face mask for the clubhouse; wipe down the door handle areas before you start; 10 minute ‘lights-off’ interval between court bookings.

We’re expecting step 3 on 17th May to be a much more meaningful return-to-play for adults, with the re-introduction of full play for squash/squash57 bubbles of up to 6 people, and the re-introduction of adult group (of 6) coaching.

In readiness for that, England Squash are launching a ‘get squash-ready’ 5 week bootcamp for all ages, fitness levels and playing levels.  It starts on Monday and will feature workouts, advice on nutrition and injury prevention warm-ups, twice weekly (every Monday and Thursday) at 6pm for 45 minutes for the next 5 weeks, taking us to that 17th May date.  The sessions will be tailored to squash and squash57 movement and skills, delivered by a number of well known coaches and players, live on Zoom or on-demand via the England Squash website.

Why not give it a go!  Even if you’ve kept yourself reasonably fit during lockdown3, we all know how tough those first few weeks are going to be, none of us want injury niggles to return after the break has finally repaired our bodies, and we’re probably all carrying more timber than our ideal ‘fighting weight’!

Click this link and register now!  I’m in!


And, if you’re feeling really adventurous, Bexley squash club are holding a ‘London Squash Festival’ tournament on the weekend of 3rd/4th July for teams of 5 players - all standards are welcome.  Details attached.  Don’t worry, we’ve got a few ideas of our own up our sleeve for this sort of thing.


Nearly there, see you soon! 


John Shaw

Squash & Squash57 chairman

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