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The rhythm of this Newsletter seems to be once a month, and we will aim to continue in that vein.For those of you who would like a more regular update with short snippets of information, we went live on Twitter at the start of the month and we will be posting tweets most days at


The refurbished courts have opened!


The courts have been completed and have been commissioned back onto the booking system!


The balcony is nearly completed, with the glass balustrades to be installed next week.


W/c 23rd September, the snagging work will be done to the balcony (painting the walls; staining the floor) and to the corridor (installing a false ceiling to hide the electrics and air con pipes; making good the concrete floor and plaster walls).  This will be to the outside of courts 5 and 6 only.  We would like to extend it to the outside of courts 3 and 4, but that can wait until another day when the coffers have been replenished.  These final works will be done without the courts being taken out of use.


It’s still a bit of a building site at the moment, with some of the partitioning still partly in place, and we’ll leave it that way until things are finished - in case the boarding needs to be put back temporarily at any time.  It’s not dangerous.


Why don’t you all (yes, all of you!) join in the Graded Round Robin event on Friday 4th October (email and see the finished works!


The club kit is launching!


We are ready to go with the club kit!


To recap, Dunlop are linking up with Adam’s BESTacademy and they have offered to extend the kit deal to all our squash and squash57 members.  We are getting top-of-the-range technical sportswear at strongly discounted prices.


Adam and John have received from Dunlop a base stock of their Performance range of shirts for men and women - one shirt in every size, and one in every colour.


Click here for the brochure from Dunlop of the kit they are making available to us.  The prices shown are RRP.  Subject to finalising negotiations with a local printer for the application of things such as the club logo, the academy logo and player names, Adam and I aim to have the shirts available at around £20 each, i.e. half price.


We are focusing on the Performance tops on the first page, although all other items are available.  These are being worn by Ali Farag (World #1), Nick Matthew (former World #1) and Declan James (England #1) for the 2019/2020 season. We will follow their styling by having the printing in the same colour as the chest stripes on the tees.


Adam (for his BESTacademy pro’s and junior squads) and John (for all other squash and squash57 members) will collate everyone’s orders and do a single bulk purchase with Dunlop and the printers.


It is likely that this will be a ‘once and done’ opportunity.  For the avoidance of any doubt, there is nothing in this for either Adam or John, but for various reasons (pricing, supplier availability, admin burden) we probably won’t be doing it again for a good while.  So fill your boots now!


Why not get one in all four colours, and chuck out some of your old stuff!  And the warm-up tops are great too!


John already has expressions of interest and shirt sizes from a number of you.  What we need to do now is to establish a list of firm orders by the end of this month.  That will enable us to submit the order to Dunlop and then turn things around with the printers so that the shirts are just about ready in time for those who are playing in the teams when the matches commence in October.


Please contact John (email or text 07775 542712) by Friday 27th September if you would like to buy a shirt or any other item.


A word of warning, the shirts are a slim-fit fitting, so you may want to go up a size from your usual choice.  The warm-up tops and the shorts are a true size.  If you would like to ’try before you buy’, the sample selection is stored at the club.  Contact John to arrange to try some on.



That’s all for now.


Squash & Squash57 Committee

(John Shaw, Mark Shattock, Adam Fuller, Gill Trimmer, Rob Harbron)

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