Monday 10 February 2025

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Club News & Events Topics The BLT&SRC bar is back from 10th July! |  | We look forward to welcoming you back to the BLT&SRC bar as it officially re-opens tomorrow, Friday 10th July from 5pm. |
You will appreciate that we have to adhere to government COVID guidelines on health & safety and things will operate a little differently for the foreseeable future.
Key points to note are:
- Seating is available both inside and outside. The seating has been positioned to maintain distancing between groups – please do not move chairs and tables.
- When the bar is open, members wanting to buy drinks must access the Clubhouse and bar via the main Clubhouse entry door.
- There will be a clearly marked one-way system in place for the bar and the exit will be through the patio doors.
- There will be a designated area to queue to place your order at the bar – please maintain 2m distance from the next person when in the queue.
- Members will be required to give the bar staff their names before purchasing drinks. Non-members will need to provide their name and phone number.
- Contactless payment will be made at the bar.
- Drinks will then be brought to you at your table by the bar staff. Empty glasses should be left on tables or placed in the designated ‘dirty glasses’ area and not brought back to the bar.
- When the bar is open, access to the toilets will be via the main Clubhouse door and then though the changing room corridor. Before entering the corridor you should check that the corridor is clear and if you find the toilets are in use (i.e. 2 people already inside) then you should wait in the corridor giving 2m distance for people leaving the toilet area. The route back to the bar and exit will be another one-way system via the squash corridor. Please follow the signs. Please note that when the bar is closed, the toilets will revert to being accessed via the fire escape until the Clubhouse and squash courts are fully open.
- Hand sanitiser will be readily available throughout the Clubhouse. Please use this frequently, particularly when you enter the Club.
- Tables do not need to be pre-booked and a first come first served policy will be in operation. If tables are fully occupied then members can take their drinks and sit socially distanced on a bench or the grass area.
Bar hours:
Monday – Thursday: 6 – 10pm
Friday: 5 – 11pm
Saturday: 4-11pm
Sunday: 12-2pm
Please be aware that we may have to adjust our systems and bar opening hours over the coming weeks - we are learning as we go along!
It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible supporting the bar now it is finally open again. If you haven't been down for a drink before then why not try it out!
Your support and cooperation is much appreciated.
Many thanks
Claire, Graham, & Club Council
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