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Since lockdown was imposed back in March, the Club Council and our key partners have worked together closely to ensure that the club is strongly placed to bounce back as soon as restrictions are eased. Today we are providing an update about our progress.


As we entered lockdown, we were holding a healthy cash balance. However, before considering any compensation to members, this year we are predicting a deficit of £10-20k. The full extent of the final deficit will largely be determined by the level of compensation agreed by the club’s members at a General Meeting.

Until un-restricted squash can be re-introduced it is impossible for Council to make firm proposals and finalise the date of the General Meeting, this situation is prolonging the financial uncertainty for the club.

The level of compensation ultimately paid to members will determine the level of borrowing that is required to complete the necessary court maintenance & upgrades that are required next year. This work has already been delayed due to the financial uncertainty this year and cannot be delayed beyond 2021.  The club is owned by you the members and any surpluses/deficits will determine the club’s ability to complete planned maintenance and improvements to our courts. 

Membership levels have remained relatively strong despite the club’s forced closure. There have been a high number of incoming tennis joiners and this has largely offset the forecasted loss of subscription income. The number of senior and junior tennis members is close to the level reached at the same time last year.

Following the guidance given by England Squash, in July we have made the first tentative steps in a phased approach to re-introducing squash and racketball. It remains unclear when un-restricted squash will be allowed, but the return is underway, and the professional game re-starts next month.

The guidance provided by the national sporting bodies and government is setting the pace for each stage in the re-opening of the facilities. Club Council is reviewing their own assessment of risks regularly and welcome members’ feedback if ever there are significant concern about the procedures and controls introduced by the club.

In summary, by attracting new tennis members in recent weeks the club is in a stronger position than Council had expected when lockdown was announced. Retaining the support of our members is critical and the feedback received leads us to believe that members are generally supportive of the approach taken by Council thus far.

If you have any constructive comments about the club’s handling of the re-introduction of tennis and squash, please contact us via or


Mike Hawkes

Club Chairman

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5th April: Kevin Mack Sings Las Vegas


21st June 2025: Tennis Finals Day 2025