Monday 10 February 2025
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Our online booking system for outdoor courts is now live. Courts MUST be pre-booked before coming to the Club and are available to members only. Unfortunatley no guests (including family) are permitted at this time.






You can access the court booking system here as well as via the club website homepage. 


It works in a similar way to the old court booking system but now includes the outdoor tennis courts, has some additional functionality and a new look and feel.




You will need a login to access the system.


For regular court bookers the login should be the same as before.


If you do not know your login or have forgotten it then please email the office at and we will help as soon as we can.


Hopefully you will find the system intuitive to use but here is a brief user guide for those who have never booked courts before.


Our aim has been to provide an online booking facility for the outdoor courts as quickly as possible to get our members back on court safely. Hopefully you will bear with us if we have any teething problems and we will continue to make improvements.


A few things to note:


  1. The system lets you book a court as late as 10pm but THERE IS NO ACCESS TO FLOODLIGHTS at this time so please only book with daylight in mind.
  2. Please note that at this time ONLY OUTDOOR TENNIS COURTS are bookable. The squash courts and indoor tennis courts remain closed and  cannot be booked until further notice. If you see there is the option to book squash or indoor tennis please don't until we can remove them.
  3. You are required to add into your booking the names of the members you are playing with when you book. Failure to do this may result in your booking being cancelled. 




A condition of booking courts is that you agree to follow our safety guidelines.


Our tennis Chair, Dave Walden, explains these in this short video:


Message from Tennis Chair Dave Walden on staying safe at the Club



Key reminders:


  • Singles only but doubles permitted for family club members
  • No non-members or guests at this time (including family members)
  • Do not come to the club if you have not booked a court via the online booking system
  • No clubhouse access, so wash hands (and use the loo!) before leaving home
  • Bring water bottle with you
  • Arrive as close as possible to your start time and wait in your car until allotted time
  • Use hand sanitiser before entering court
  • Allow others to leave the court before you enter – wait away from the gates
  • Maintain 2 metre distance at all times
  • Avoid changing ends
  • Avoid touching the gates, nets and draggers
  • Only handle your own racket and (marked) balls
  • Use racket/foot to return balls to opponent
  • Consider wearing gloves
  • Sneeze or cough into tissue or upper sleeve
  • Do not play if self-isolating
  • No access to clubhouse – so don’t even ask if you see someone inside
  • Leave club as soon as you have finished play. 


We have noticed that some members have been congregating in the car park and around the court gate entrances. Please avoid this and leave the Club as soon as you have finished playing. 


More information on health and safety guidance for players and outdoor court playing arrangements can be found in full on our COVID-19 section of the Club website.



Many thanks for your cooperation.


Club Office 


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